Chip Happens: Plan Ahead For SH10 Chipsealing Night Works
NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA) advises road users to plan ahead for upcoming chipsealing work on State Highway 10 between Mangonui and Taipa, starting Thursday 13 February.
Work will be carried out at night over 7 nights, with stop/go traffic management in place, to minimise disruption for road users. Temporary speed limits and traffic management will remain in place the following day to guide traffic over the new seal and help to embed it successfully.
It’s important to slow down through newly sealed sections of road because small chips can be flicked up from the road surface and damage vehicles – especially windscreens. That’s why we often keep temporary speed limits in place even after it looks like the work has been completed. As well as safety, the temporary speed limit also helps ensure the quality of the reseal. Travelling at the posted temporary speed limit allows for the chips to be embedded into the road surface and for them to remain in place as the seal cures.
Travel delays during these works are expected to be 5-10 minutes.
Chipsealing helps ensure a smooth, skid-resistant surface, free of potholes and slippery sections to reduce the risk of crashes and help keep everyone traveling on our roads safe.
Details of specific work sites for the week ahead can be found on the Northland State Highway Maintenance Programme website (
Work is weather dependent and there may be changes to the planned works in the case of unsuitable weather. Please visit the NZTA Journey Planner website ( for up-to-date information, including any changes due to weather.
This work is part of Northland’s significant summer maintenance programme, which will see approximately 203 lane kilometres of state highway renewed across the region by the end of May.
NZTA thanks everyone for their understanding and support while we carry out this essential maintenance.