Library Association Says Destiny Church’s Actions Not On!
The Library and Information Association New Zealand Aotearoa (LIANZA) condemns the violent actions of Destiny Church at Te Atatū community library, where library staff were pushed and shoved as church members forced their way into the building.
“It is not okay for people to aim their negative messages at library staff doing their job to ensure inclusive events for their community. LGBTQ+ people and their families are part of our communities too,” says Ivy Guo, LIANZA President.
Destiny Church leader Brian Tamaki incited his members to storm the library to shut Pride activities down while they were celebrating rainbow communities as part of Pride week. The family event featured drag king Hugo Grrrl talking about the science of rainbows. Toddlers and adults attending had to barricade themselves in a room as the violence escalated.
Destiny Church attempts to constrain libraries and other organisations from expressing support for LGBTIQ+ communities and individuals because of their own hate-filled prejudices says LIANZA.
“Libraries endeavour to make all communities welcome and assert the right to visibly support and represent marginalised groups within their communities," says LIANZA President Ivy Guo.
Library staff and library users should not be subjected to violence and trauma and LIANZA thanks Auckland Council management and elected members for their quick vocal support for the library.
“We call on all our libraries to hold fast and continue to celebrate Aotearoa's rainbow communities while making sure the resources are there to keep staff and users safe.”
LIANZA endorses the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) Article 19 which states: “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers”.
Ivy Guo reminds librarians that the Freedom to Read Toolkit includes a section on event management, Event management – LIANZA to help prepare them for that sort of challenge.