Have Your Say On The Consumer Guarantees (Right To Repair) Amendment Bill
The Economic Development, Science and Innovation Committee is calling for public submissions on the Consumer Guarantees (Right to Repair) Amendment Bill.
The bill would amend the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993. It seeks to require manufacturers to make repair parts and information available to consumers in order to extend the lifetime of products. The bill would replace the Act’s guarantee as to repair and spare parts, requiring manufacturers to:
- reasonably ensure that facilities for repair of goods and supply of parts for the goods are reasonably available for a reasonable period after the goods are supplied
- provide the consumer with, upon request, information, spare parts, software, and other tools used for diagnosing, maintaining, or repairing goods.
It would also:
- provide consumers with a right of redress against manufacturers where goods fail to comply with the guarantee
- enable consumers to request that a supplier repairs goods rather than replacing them
- require suppliers to repair goods within a reasonable time if such a request is made by a consumer
- repeal section 42 of the Act, which provides that repair facilities and parts do not have to be made available if the consumer is notified at the time the product is supplied.
Tell the Economic Development, Science and Innovation Committee what you think
Make a submission on the bill by midnight on Thursday 3 April 2025.
For more details about the bill:
- Read the full content of the bill
- Get more details about the bill
- What’s been said in Parliament about the bill?