Wellington Ratepayers Set To Be Hammered Again With More Rate Hike Pain
The Taxpayers’ Union is slamming Wellington City Council for planning yet another punishing rate hike, with homeowners set to face a 12.2 percent increase this year—on top of last year’s staggering 16.9 percent rise and 1.6 percent sludge levy. Ratepayers are being bled dry while the Council continues to burn through money with little to show for it.
Rhys Hurley, Investigations Co-ordinator for the Taxpayers’ Union, said:
“This Council has truly lost the plot if they think a slightly lower rates hike is going to stop the pain to ratepayers.”
“Last year’s hike was meant to fix the books, yet here we are again, with Council considering another double-digit increase. How much more do they think Wellington can take of this shambles?”
“Council should be embarrassed as Wellingtonians are seeing wasteful spending, bloated bureaucracy, and pet projects take priority while essential services continue to crumble.”
“Ratepayers shouldn’t have to bankroll this financial incompetence as they struggle with their own cost-of-living crises.”
“As empty shops sprout up across the city, leaks continue to fester over footpaths, and pensioners struggle to pay the rates, when will councillors wake up and get back to basics? Projects like the Golden Mile and Town Hall revamp must come to an end.”