Nelson City Council Backs Maitahi Village Development With $31 Million In Enabling Infrastructure & Housing Investment
The development of the new Maitahi Village in Kākā Valley, off Maitai Valley, is a huge boost for Nelson City that Council is backing with approximately $27 million of supporting infrastructure and a $4 million investment in affordable housing.
Nelson Mayor Nick Smith says the benefits to Nelson of the development include a new suburb with an additional 350-380 homes and improved water, wastewater and transport infrastructure to also support additional growth in the future.
Maitahi Village is part of the wider Bayview Maitahi development for which about 287 hectares was rezoned in Kākā Valley and along Botanical and Malvern hills. Council will help deliver key supporting infrastructure for transport, water supply and wastewater for this significant development.
“This improved infrastructure includes new a 3m-wide shared path between Nile Street and Ralphine Way, new cycle and walking bridges alongside Gibbs Bridge and Jickells Bridge, new and improved wastewater pipelines across the eastern area of the city as well as reservoirs and new trunkmains for the water supply.
“The Council’s $27 million of improvements in infrastructure involves investment of $15.4 million on wastewater, $8.5 million on water supply and $3.2 million on transport. Council’s share is for the increased capacity, renewal of older pipes and improvements that benefit the wider city. These investments will improve water quality in the Maitai River by replacing old wastewater pipes across the eastern area of the city and improving the security of the water supply in surrounding suburbs,” Mayor Nick says.
Council has also approved the allocation of $4 million from its Housing Reserve to two different projects focused on affordable rentals within the Maitahi Village development.
Successful applications from Koata Ltd and Abbeyfield Properties Ltd were approved by Council following a recommendation from the Community Housing Acceleration Taskforce, chaired by Councillor Rachel Sanson.
“I am delighted to announce these substantial grants for 34 much-needed affordable rentals in the Maitahi Village development, which is so close to Nelson’s CBD. The inclusion in the development of a retirement village and an Abbeyfield is important for addressing the housing challenges facing older Nelsonians,” Mayor Nick says.
Councillor Sanson says with rents at 80% of the market rate, the development of these properties by Koata Ltd and Abbeyfield will meet a growing demand for rentals from different groups in our community.
“In particular, we know there is a growing number of adults over 65 who do not own a home and are looking for studio or one-bed rentals rather than larger homes. I’m extremely proud that Council’s housing taskforce has been able to support the development of a substantial number of affordable homes in such a short timeframe. We always aimed to use the $12m in the Housing Reserve to leverage as much new housing as possible, and I think we have met that goal.”
A total of $3 million of the allocated funding will go to Koata Ltd to support the development of 20 affordable rentals for Ngāti Koata whānau and the broader community. Management of the properties will be outsourced to an experienced Community Housing Provider such as Nelson Tasman Housing Trust.
The remaining $1 million will be used by Abbeyfield Properties Ltd for 14 rental studio units with ensuites for people aged over 65. The units will share common-house areas.
The Housing Reserve was formed in 2021 when Council divested its Community Housing portfolio to Kāinga Ora for $12 million. The reserve was created to “work with and support partners who have the ability to deliver social and affordable housing solutions for the community”. On 10 December 2022, Council established the Community Housing Acceleration Taskforce. Its role is to advise how Council can meet its goal of doubling the number of community housing homes from 50 to 100 by 2026.
A total of 95 social and affordable rentals and 16 progressive home ownership dwellings have been allocated funding from the Housing Reserve.
The Abbeyfield and Koata Ltd grants will have funding milestone for payment of 50% upon approval of building and resource consent and 50% on completion of foundations and conditions to ensure they are used to provide affordable rentals.