Forward Momentum Continues As Iwi Chairs Set To Gather In Porirua
The National Iwi Chairs Forum (NICF) are set to meet in Porirua this week on the 6th and 7th of May at Te Rauparaha Arena. The collective leadership of the 71 Iwi entities that make up the NICF meet quarterly to share information and work together to advance and address the identified priorities of the forum.
Hosted by Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Toa Rangatira, the two day hui will start with pōwhiri at Takapūwāhia Marae before shifting into a formal agenda that will see presentations from within the five NICF pou (pillars); Pou Tikanga (constitutional and Tiriti o Waitangi), Pou Tangata (people), Pou Tahua (economic), Pou Taiao (environment and natural resources) and Pou Take Ahuarangi (climate).
Due to precautions around COVID-19 the first NICF hui for 2021, traditionally held at Waitangi from the 4-5th of February, was shifted to an online format.
“We are looking forward to meeting kānohi ki te kānohi here in Porirua next week in order to progress the momentum created at our last hui” said Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Toa Rangatira Chair, Dr Taku Parai.
“Alongside the internal work of the NICF, our February hui saw positive engagement with Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and her cabinet, this has since seen traction gained on a number of levels with NICF chairs and technicians working with Ministers and officials across many of the identified kaupapa within our pou and other matters of interest as they arise. Day two of our hui will allow time to further build this relationship as we work towards positive outcomes for whānau, hapū and iwi” he said.
Amongst other kaupapa on the table the NICF have expressed their interest in working with the Government and other stakeholders, following the announcement of the new Māori Health Authority earlier in the month, as it further develops the detail of what this entity might look like moving forward.
The NICF hui proper will be preceded by an Iwi Asset Holding Symposium on the 5th of May, allowing for networking and shared learning amongst the commercial entities within the membership.