The Cold, Damp, Rental Housing Market
There are still many properties in the rental market that are cold, damp, and lacking insulation and heating. The likelihood of these meeting the Healthy Homes Standards (HHS) deadline of 1 July, is very unlikely.
Many of these properties are home to some of our most vulnerable people. Even with the Government’s Winter Energy Payment, (WEP) they will still feel the cold.
“When the HHS was announced, we were frustrated to see that curtains were not included. Without double glazing and without curtains, the average home loses around 30 per cent of its heat through the windows alone” says Fair Energy Manager, Phil Squire.
“While we appreciate that the $80 to $125 per month will help overall finances, there’s no guarantee the WEP will be spent on heating. We need to rethink some of our policies, and we also need to help educate people on what they can do to create a warm, dry, healthy home. Especially in rental properties with absentee landlords” says Squire.
“At Sustainability Trust, we’re passionate about helping people create healthier homes irrespective of their income. That’s why we provide free curtains and now offer free home energy assessments for lowincome homes in the Wellington region” says Squire.
“We’re also delighted to share that thanks to support from the TG Macarthy Foundation we can also help those who need help measuring and installing curtains” says Squire.
“Floor length, doublelayered, wellfitted curtains make a huge difference to how much heat a home retains. Being able to provide this service through the Wellington Curtain Bank is a service we are proud to offer” says Squire.
To be eligible for the free home energy assessment and free curtains, all you need is a Community Services Card or a SuperGold Combo Card and be living in the Greater Wellington region.
The Wellington Curtain Bank is made possible with more than a decade of support from Genesis.