$18,750 Fine For Offensive Odour
Hawke’s Bay Regional Council continues to take a hard line on offending with another successful prosecution, this time for an offensive smell.
Emmerson Transport Limited (ELT), which operates its yard in Hastings, pleaded guilty to discharging a contaminant (odour) and contravening an abatement notice in January this year. ELT was fined $18,750.
The odour came from nine bins of offal, one of which was overflowing due to its contents expanding in the heat.
Judge Melinda Dickey said that ELT’s business involves the transport of items that are sometimes odorous.
She said as a profit is made through these transport operations, it is incumbent on ELT to operate its business in a way that does not impact adversely on others.
Regional Council Group Manager Policy and Regulation, Katrina Brunton says this is the second time objectionable and offensive odour has extended beyond the boundary of ELT’s yard and the company needed to manage these issues responsibly.
“These rules are in place to protect our community, and we are taking a hard line on people who don’t follow them,” says Ms Brunton.
If anyone has information regarding unauthorised discharges to land, air or water they should contact the Council’s 24/7 Pollution Hotline on 0800 108 838.