Carterton Flooding Event - UPDATE: MONDAY 21 FEBRUARY
A big thank you again to everyone who helped us reduce wastewater through our system over the weekend.
The good news: We have identified a potential area in the network where the flows are coming in from. As the water level drops in this dry weather, we will be able to get cameras in there to investigate further.
The not so good news: The weekend rain has set us back a little so inflows remain above what we can discharge. There are still a couple of man-hole covers in the reticulated network still overflowing, which indicates a lot of pressure / excess water in the system. These are being cordoned off and clean up will be undertaken once the flows stop
You can still happily flush
your loo
We are asking you still please MINIMISE the
discharge of greywater into the wastewater system, as we are
expecting more rain over the weekend.
You CAN use your washing machine, BUT
please try to minimise your use to only when needed.
CAN take showers, BUT please try to keep them as short as
Please also be mindful with activities such as
washing dishes and washing cars – please keep this to a
Please continue to let us know about areas of concern by placing a service request either online at or by calling 06 379 4030.