He Pou Manawa Ora Work Plan Gets Tick Of Approval
Hamilton City Council approved a work plan to implement He Pou Manawa Ora – Pillars of Wellbeing at today’s (14 June) Community Committee.
He Pou Manawa Ora, which is based on four pou (pillars) of wellbeing - History, Unity, Prosperity and Restoration, underpins how Council, tangata whenua and our wider community can work together to create shared opportunities.
Council’s Amorangi Maaori Muna Wharawhara said a lot of mahi (work) is already under way to deliver on the outcomes set out in the work plan.
“We’re pleased to confirm Committee support for our work programme today so we can get on with the job. He Pou Manawa Ora will help to develop a proud and inclusive city for the wellbeing of all its people – the outcomes really are for everyone.”
Actions from the work plan include:
- Incorporating Maaori historical stories in the development of new infrastructure.
- Introducing an organisational te reo Maaori and tikanga development programme.
- Collaborating with whaanau, hapuu, iwi and Kiingitanga to celebrate and recognise tangata whenua/local history exhibitions, events and collateral within museums.
- Supporting and celebrating events including the Matariki Festival and Waitangi Day.
- Partnering with iwi, hapuu and community to increase biodiversity within the city.
“Lots of people have had a hand in developing this strategy and we’re looking forward to bringing our shared aspirations to life.”
Funding for activities in the work plan include $135,000 per year as budgeted in the Long-Term Plan and will complement existing work across the organisation.
The vote was 11-2 in support.
For: Mayor Southgate,
Councillors Bunting, Thomson, Gallagher, O’Leary,
Macpherson, Donovan, Pascoe, van Oosten, and Maangai
Thompson-Evans and Te
Against: Deputy Mayor Taylor
and Councillor Wilson.
The full report and minutes are available at hamilton.govt.nz/agendas