Bold Action To Tackle Auckland Crime & Safety
Auckland Mayoral candidate Viv Beck says if elected mayor she will take bold action to provide greater safety for communities across the region and plug the gaps central government is not reaching.
Announcing her crime and public safety policy, she said she will boost the role of the Mayor and Auckland Council’s efforts to gain a greater share of central government resources, improve agency coordination, apply targeted council funding and implement new crime prevention initiatives.
“Auckland has reached a tipping point on crime and public safety. Aucklanders have had a guts full and without a better co-ordinated and concerted effort, the situation is only going to get worse,” Viv Beck says.
“Aucklanders are calling out for greater action and local government must step up, particularly where central government is too slow or unable to act. We have a right to expect a safer city, which is why in my first 90 days as Mayor, I will convene an Auckland Crime and Safety Summit to confirm the structure and action plan for a new Mayoral Action on Public Safety Taskforce.
“I will take a four-step plan to the Summit which will inform the action plan the Taskforce will oversee.
Step 1: Auckland to achieve its fair share of resources: Advocate for increased police resourcing in Auckland based on population and local police stations, and to restart the small business safety measures fund. Improve collaboration between Police, Council, central government and community organisations to deliver better wrap around services to those who need it, and better management of emergency housing.
Step 2: Improve our streets for all: Investigate the use of public trespass orders to support Police to avert anti-social behaviour and violent crime, and appoint a voluntary “Night Watch” position, based in the community, to bring attention to the specific needs for night-time safety. Look at extending the successful Street Guardians programme in partnership with MSD so that no-one needs to beg on the streets in Auckland.
Step 3: Empower local leaders: Establish the Mayoral Action on Public Safety Taskforce and a Business Improvement District (BID) Safety Project to work with BIDs on their safety upgrades where government support is insufficient. Expand Local Board safety responsibilities.
Step 4: New technology measures to boost safety: Capitalise on the use of digital and sensing technology, and tools to provide greater responsiveness and reporting.
“For years, there has been an ongoing debate about who carries the responsibility for community safety and security. The obvious answer is that more can be achieved if both levels of government work together.
“It is my priority to strengthen Auckland Council’s safety actions and implement tools that work for our city. This builds on international research* showing the value of effective local government platforms in improving community safety.
“We’ve all had a guts full of seeing innocent people hurt. It’s time to take greater action and for the Mayor and Auckland Council to step up and take greater responsibility so people feel safe once again in Auckland.”