ORC’s Consent Map Upgraded To Farmer-friendly
The Otago Regional Council has upgraded its online consent mapping site, making the service far more farmer-friendly for those requiring maps to go with applications, especially for intensive winter grazing consents.
The map, Consents in Otago, now includes a property-by-address, legal description or consent number search function, satellite imagery; similar to Google Maps, plus named waterways, a polygon/draw tool and also a print button, says ORC Team Leader Consents Alexandra King.
“It’s now much more user-friendly for farmers who’re working through the mapping part of their applications, specifically intensive winter grazing plans,” she says.
Searching enhanced with property address
“Searching has been made easier, by a farmer putting in their address to locate their property, click on them to see the boundary and also grab a screen shot to use as a reference point.”
This tool allows farmers to easily identify and measure blocks throughout their farms, and help them in identifying risk areas/sensitive receptors on-farm; such as critical source areas, waterways, wetlands or water bores, Ms King says.
The map identifies which catchment and rohe the farm is within and can also measure distances, she says.
In general, the map can also provide surface and ground water allocation availability, can locate consented activities and is useful in also identifying neighbouring consents.
Navigating online
The direct mapping link is at https://maps.orc.govt.nz/OtagoViewer/?map=2b72476ec76446cf8270dad325952215
Once a user finds the consent or property they are looking for, click on the symbol to pop up the information on this consent.
The information will include the consent number, consent type, whether it’s a current or expired, who holds it, when it expires, plus a summary of the consented activity and supporting documents.
Ms King notes that once online and using the map, some of the recommending reports and permit documents prior to 2016 are not currently available on the map.
If users require a copy of these pre-2016 documents, they can email the ORC at public.enquiries@orc.govt.nz for further information.