Animal Evac NZ Assisting With Flooding Emergency Response In Auckland
Animal rescue volunteers Animal Evac NZ have been asked to assist with Auckland’s flooding emergency today and over the next couple of days.
Animal Evac NZ Board Chair Tony Sutorius says the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) has requested Animal Evac to attend the Mangere Community Hub and provide advice to people on keeping their animals safe.
“We would normally activate our network of experienced rescue volunteers once requested by MPI,” Mr Sutorius says.
“In this case, Auckland Council is doing an excellent job in assisting people with animals where needed. The low number of Aucklanders using the public shelters suggests people are generally well-organised in making sure they and their pets have alternative accommodation where needed.”
The flooding emergency this weekend is a reminder to make sure you have a plan for your animals to get out safe, as well as yourselves, Mr Sutorius says.
“Our hearts go out to those families who have lost loved ones in this event, as well as those who have lost animals to the floodwaters,” he says.
“It’s a timely reminder that people with animals need to have a plan for civil emergencies.
“When people need to leave home suddenly, we strongly recommend they take their animals with them. That means having carry-cages and trailers enough to take all animals at once, and having a prepared pack of their food and medicines to grab quickly.
“As well as the humane reasons for ensuring the safety of animals, there’s also a practical reason for it – so that people don’t go back into a dangerous area looking for them.”
Mr Sutorius says two-thirds of NZ households have at least one pet.
Animal Evac New Zealand is a charitable trust, established in 2018 to ensure no animals are left behind during evacuations, and to provide animals with temporary emergency shelter.