Progress Continues To Repair Hawke's Bay Flood Infrastructure
Hawke’s Bay Regional Council continues to make great progress to restore flood infrastructure.
Asset Management Group Manager Chris Dolley says stopbank repairs are a focus along the Ngaruroro, Tūtaekurī and Waipawa rivers.
“Our team have completed rapid temporary repairs of six sites – Awatoto, Taradale, lower Brookfields, Omahu, Maraenui golf course and established a site at Powdrell Road to stockpile material for the repair of stopbanks."
Teams continue to remove woody debris and silt across the region, with recent significant upscaling of this work, working together with Hastings District Council.
Teams are currently working their way along the Tūtaekurī river, clearing woody debris from Redcliffe (Waiohiki), motorway and Brookfields bridges and are continuing to remove material from the Waitangi rail bridge.
In the Upper Tukituki scheme, work is ongoing to replace the stopbank at Walker Road where the Waipawa breach occurred, along with stopbank breaches along the Mangaunuku stream.
Crews are also looking at options to de-silt flood detention dams where it is needed in the Makara catchment, along with repairs to access tracks and clearing of blockages to dam inlets and outlets.
Great progress has been made on drains across the region that were impacted by the cyclone, with teams completing maintenance on 70 percent of those requiring it.
In northern Hawke’s Bay, teams are clearing trees and debris from Regional Council drains. A new pump will be installed in the Ohuia Scheme.
The community can follow progress of
stopbank repairs and drain maintenance at our flood
infrastructure repairs webpage