Tauranga City Council Adopts 2023/24 Annual Plan
Tauranga City Council Commissioners formally adopted the city’s 2023/24 Annual Plan at a Council meeting today.
The Annual Plan is consistent with the direction set in the Long Term Plan 2021 -31 (LTP) and sets the budget and work plan for the year from 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024.
A limited number of updates have been made since the draft annual plan was endorsed by the Commission in December 2022, resulting in a final Council-delivered capital programme of $355m, net debt of $1,050m, and an average rates increase (including metered water) of 6.2%, which is below the current inflation rate.
The reduction in overall rates levels since December 2022 has been achieved by reducing the proposed increase in water charges.
As no significant changes were proposed compared to what was outlined in the third year of the LTP Council chose not to undertake formal consultation on the 2023/24 Annual Plan.
The 2023/24 Annual Plan will be available on the Tauranga City Council website in the coming days.
Although Council is not consulting on the Annual
Plan, community feedback is sought on the proposed User
Fees and Charges for the 2023/24 year. Consultation on
that document remains open until 5pm Monday, 24 April