Ditch the lectures and learn How to Talk About Climate Change without conflict
Parents for Climate Aotearoa are pleased to announce their free workshops “Let’s Talk Climate," which will take place during June and July across Pōneke Wellington. This workshop is designed to provide attendees with the tools and confidence they need to have effective conversations about climate change at home and in their communities.
Participants will also have the opportunity to connect with others and practice in small groups.
"Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time, and we need to be able to talk about it in a way that resonates with people from all walks of life," said Alicia Hall, Founder of Parents for Climate Aotearoa. "We believe this workshop will be a valuable resource for anyone who wants to have better conversations and less conflict."
“Climate change is also a complex issue often met with feelings of overwhelm, concern or indifference. If we can have more constructive conversations with each other, we may actually be able to work together on solutions, instead of the constant polarisation and politicking.”
Sarah Lee who attended the workshop in Lyall Bay, said “Talking with others in a safe and welcoming environment about climate change felt like a weight had been lifted from this heavy subject. It is easy to feel helpless, anxious and confused when talking about climate change and the introductory workshop provided a ‘tool kit’ of ways in which to broach the subject.”
“Whilst acknowledging and noticing the changes in our local environment, as well as thinking globally, we came away with some positive thoughts on the importance of conversing and taking action together as a community. In talking together, we become role models for positive action for our tamariki.”
The free workshops are open to people from all backgrounds and is suitable for individuals and organisations who want to improve how they connect with the people in their lives about climate change. Register now at https://www.parentsforclimatenz.org/lets-talk-climate and join us as we work towards a more informed, engaged, and collaborative society. Early registration is encouraged as spaces are limited.
For media inquiries, please contact Alicia Hall at hello@parentsforclimatenz.org or 021405457
For more information, visit https://www.parentsforclimatenz.org/lets-talk-climate