A Challenging And Busy Year
A damp start to 2023 and a significantly wet winter of 2022 caused some delays to the new roading contract and three waters projects at Hurunui District Council.
But overall, the facts and figures shaped up well in the 2022-2023 Operational Annual Report which was delivered to Councillors in Chambers on Tuesday.
Challenging weather created opportunities for those on the ground to think on their feet, and Chief Operations Officer Dan Harris praised the team for the coordinated successful response plans for surface flooding, slips, and threats to three waters infrastructure and delivery.
He conceded adverse weather events are not one-offs anymore, and need to be financially planned for.
“The frequency and severity will need to be contemplated in the Council’s Long Term Plan which is being reviewed next year. How these events are managed and funded, so they don’t impede routine maintenance work, will all be analysed.”
Despite the challenges delivered by Mother Nature, some significant three waters projects were completed throughout the district.
A full drinking water treatment upgrade was completed for the Amuri area, which includes a new shed and plumbing with UV/filter and pumps.
Multiple pipe replacements has meant the installation of new watermains.
“We are continuously future proofing, providing resilience and ensuring our drinking water delivery infrastructure complies with the government’s drinking water standards,” said Harris.
Other completed projects listed in the Report included new footpaths, resealing and road maintenance, improved drainage around recreational reserve and road reserve areas, wastewater pond upgrades, transfer station improvements, and continual beautification and maintenance in playgrounds and reserves.
“Council has been proactive in this space, when it comes to water safety, road safety, and providing areas in the district for people to enjoy.”
Operational Annual Report: https://www.hurunui.govt.nz/council/meetings-and-committees/meetings?item=id:2kshrfga517q9sv489bx
Website article: https://www.hurunui.govt.nz/council/news?item=id:2n7rxsod317q9sug8pnd