Ngāti Tarāwhai Supports The Protection Plan To Safely Reopen Lake Ōkataina
"While there is always more that we can do to ensure our
taonga's wellbeing and health for today and future
generations, we believe that our voice has been heard. It
has been a very busy month working alongside the Crown,
local government, iwi, and community organisations to come
up with these new measures and procedures,” says Ngāti
Tarāwhai Iwi Trust Chairperson, Cyrus
“We have consistently asked for comprehensive measures to be put in place in order to safeguard our taonga. As Lake Ōkataina's traditional owners we fully support the requirements for watercraft and equipment last used on the Waikato River or lakes to undergo a thorough Check Clean Dry at the newly established Wash Station. This process will help prevent the spread of invasive species,” says Mr Hingston.
“We are
grateful to everyone for their understanding and patience as
we've worked through our genuine concerns regarding the
biosecurity risks posed by golden clams. Our involvement
with partner organisations and authorities has shown that,
in the face of obstacles, the answers will emerge from the
ways in which we collaborate,” he
“It will take all of us to protect
our taonga for the next generation, so I urge everyone who
plans to use a watercraft on Lake Ōkataina when it opens to
rigorously abide by the new legal
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