Police Disappointed Following Checkpoints In Hawke's Bay
Inspector Angela Hallett, Eastern Road Policing Manager:
Hawke’s Bay Police are urging motorists to make better decisions after two checkpoint operations.
Police are disappointed in the results of the checkpoints, with over 174 offences recorded and infringement notices issued.
Today, a checkpoint on Pakowhai Road and Heretaunga Street, Hastings, saw Police issue 63 infringement notices.

52 people were driving while using mobile phones and a further 11 were not wearing seatbelts.
Yesterday, Police issued a total of 111 offences at a checkpoint on Hyderabad Road and Corunna Bay, Napier.
37 people were using mobile phones while driving and a further 11 people were not wearing seatbelts. 63 people were also issued infringement notices for speed offences.
We know that one of the main contributing factors to crashes is distraction, including from mobile phone use – so put your phone away when you’re driving.
Wearing a seatbelt can reduce the harm caused to drivers and passengers involved in a crash, so always buckle up.
You can expect to see Police out on the roads anywhere anytime.