Lengthy Delays At Ealing, North Of Rangitata River, Car And Van Drivers Can Take The Inland Scenic Route
NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA) is getting reports of delays of more than an hour at the roadworks site on SH1 today, near the Rangitata River, south of Ashburton.
“We encourage light traffic (car and van drivers) to use the signposted alternative inland route between Hinds and Rangitata to save around 30 minutes,” says Tresca Forrester, Journey Manager for NZTA in Mid and South Canterbury.
“The delays on SH1 are expected to continue until 6pm today, and the inland route is much quicker at the moment.”
The more car drivers taking the inland scenic route, the fewer trucks to get through on SH1 for each opening slot, reducing delays.
Detour route for light traffic today, green line: