Walker Road Gravel Extraction Exceeds Targeted Volumes
Hawke’s Bay Regional Council is delighted to report that gravel extraction from the Upper Tukituki catchment has already surpassed its initial targeted volume goal of 800,000m3, with more extraction work to come.
The recently completed Walker Road project allowed for 339,776m3 of gravel to be extracted from sections of the river where extraction had not occurred in more than 10 years.
“This volume of extracted gravel means we’ve exceeded our initial targets, having already extracted 801,639m3, with another tranche of gravel extraction to come,” says Group Manager – Asset Manager Chris Dolley.
This $8m project – funded from Kānoa – Regional Economic Development & Investment Unit ($5.12m) and the Upper Tukituki Scheme ($2.88m) through the Infrastructure Reference Group – aims to extract 800,000m3 in total from a range of sites across the Upper Tukituki within four years.
“Access to the river in this location has now been established and will allow for future extraction in an area that has been difficult to get to.”
The next round of extraction went to tender last week. This is to target further extraction of approximately 60,000m3 around the Waipawa township and Makaretu River.