Call For Alan Hall Royal Commission Of Inquiry Extended
“It truly is great to know that the police have now charged three people relating to the wrongful conviction and incarceration of Alan Hall” Jackie Foster
Foster, CEO of Lobby Group Social Justice Aotearoa, currently has a petition before parliament seeking a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Hall debacle having repeatedly publicly stated the community have the right to know how this could have happened and more importantly what is being done about it.
“How can the public of New Zealand have faith in the criminal justice system when the honesty, openness and transparency of crown law and the police are repeatedly being brought into question” Foster.
Jackie went on to say “it is all very well for people to be held to account, not before time I might add, but we as a country also have the right to have trust in our policing and judicial systems but right now there is absolutely no trust”
“Social Justice Aotearoa will not rest until we see people held to account and answers that the whole of Aotearoa deserves” Foster