Record Investment In Roads A Mistake For A Productivity And A Climate Friendly Future
04 September
The Free Fares Coalition urges the government to focus more on public transport as a solution, rather than roads. The coalition government recently announced $33 billion of investment into transport, with only one fifth, $6.4 billion, going to public transport. Public transport needs to be prioritised more if we are to respond sensibly to the climate crisis and improve productivity.
“The decarbonisation potential of public transport is being overlooked in this investment,” says Antonio Salamat, Free Fares Researcher. “The focus on road infrastructure seems to complement the 10,000 electric vehicle charging points which is a key pillar of ERP2. But the projected emissions reduction of these chargers (0.21 Mt CO2-e from 2026-35) is actually less than that from public transport investment over the same period (0.4 Mt CO2-e). It needs to be asked why the government is so keen to invest in private vehicles, when their own modelling suggests this is a less effective course of action for emissions reduction.”
“The potential for productivity gained from public transport is underestimated as well,” says Mika Hervel, Free Fares Spokesperson, “The World Economic Forum estimated that $1 billion of investment in public transport would yield approximately $5 billion in economic benefits (additional GDP), raise productivity, and create tens of thousands of new jobs. And these models typically don’t consider the productivity benefits from improved access to transport and poverty reduction, so the productivity improvement is likely underestimated.”
“Public transport has massive productivity and other social benefits, and is undoubtedly the better option for responding to climate change and meeting our international obligations,” says Mika. “The fact that only a fifth of the $33 billion is going into improving public transport, and a staggering amount is going into improving roads, illustrates that the government is locked in to an obsession with roads and alarmingly closed minded to better alternatives.”
Free Fares NZ is a campaign by the Aotearoa Collective for Public Transport Equity, a coalition of over 100 faith organisations, union, councils and community groups. Free Fares calls for free public transport for under 25 year olds, for students, for Community Service Card holders and for Total Mobility Card holders.