Labour Weekend A Washout
A northerly weather system brought significant rain to many parts of Marlborough over the long weekend, from the Tunakino and Richmond Range to The Branch area about 75km west of Blenheim. A southerly front moving up the country then trapped the rain system over inland and southern parts of Marlborough, with the Awatere and Molesworth Station receiving significant rainfall amounts.
The information graphic attached shows rainfall totals for this event covering the time period from midday on 24 October to 8pm on 26 October.
The Awatere Valley’s rainfall - at 127mm - was 1.7 times its average October rainfall of 76mm.
Rainfall (mm)
Event total (mm) | October to date (mm) | Average October (mm) | |
Tunakino | 264 | 404 | 260 |
Rai at Rai Falls | 259 | 377 | 219 |
Wakamarina at Twin Falls | 233 | 331 | 210 |
Kenepuru Head NRFA | 157 | 270 | 129 |
Top Valley at Staircase Ridge | 190 | 348 | 160 |
Branch at Mt Morris | 161 | 305 | |
Branch at Branch Recorder | 105 | 264 | 113 |
Onamalutu at Bartletts Creek Saddle | 175 | 300 | 150 |
Taylor at Tinpot | 88 | 151 | 80 |
Beneagle at Farm Stream | 69 | 122 | 62 |
Blenheim at MDC Office | 52 | 80 | 50 |
Awatere at Awapiri | 127 | 180 | 76 |
PLEASE NOTE: The above numbers are preliminary and subject to change once all rain gauges are manually checked
Awatere Valley Road remains closed about 4km from Limestone. A large number of local roads and state highways were affected by flooding or minor slips but almost all were short term impact only and most reopened over Sunday and Monday.
The Seddon Waste Transfer Station has reopened today after its access road was repaired this morning. Jones Road, Grovetown, is closed about 1km before the Morgans Road intersection.
Council managed mountain bike tracks across Marlborough are closed to allow them to dry out this week.
Flood protection
“The lower Wairau River peaked at 3,500 cumecs just after midnight on Sunday morning,” Rivers and Draingage Engineering Manager Andy White said.
“There were no issues at all with the flood protection network, with the scheme functioning very well.”
“Peninsula Road, Spring Creek was monitored throughout the weekend by our team. No precautionary evacuation was required. It was very pleasing to see the recent river bank works completed over winter there had a significant beneficial effect during this event.”

He said the Taylor River through Blenheim will remain high for several days with sections of berm and footpath within the floodway reserve under water for some time to come.
“This is to be expected after such a significant rainfall event.”
A full assessment of damage to the flood protection network will be conducted by Council’s Rivers and Drainage Engineering team once the flows have reduced later this week.
Residents are encouraged to email if they have concerns or queries about flood protection or drainage networks.