Waikawa Bay Foreshore Reserve Management Plan Submissions Open
Waikawa Bay Foreshore Reserve, on the eastern side of Waikawa Bay near Picton, is of great significance for Te Ātiawa and is a popular place for picnicking, swimming and launching boats for locals and visitors.

Council is required under the Reserves Act to develop a reserve management plan for the area that will help enable a mix of uses and values to be supported as well as putting in place policy to guide the day-to-day management of the Reserve.
In accordance with Section 41(6) (a) of the Reserves Act 1977 submissions are now invited on any aspect of the draft Waikawa Bay Foreshore Reserve Management Plan. Submissions can be lodged via an online form at links.marlborough.govt.nz/haveyoursay. Public submissions should be made by 7 March 2025.
A Hearings Panel consisting of Assets and Services Committee Chair Councillor Brian Dawson, Councillor Scott Adams and up to two independent commissioners with expertise in tikanga Māori and the Reserves Act will be set up to hear submissions and recommend to Council decisions on those submissions.
The draft management plan can be viewed online at www.marlborough.govt.nz/recreation/parks-and-open-spaces/parks-and-open-spaces-plans-and-reports/plans/waikawa-bay-foreshore-reserve-management-plan or you can pick up a copy from Council’s Customer Service Centres in Blenheim or Picton. You can also email waikawabay.rmp@marlborough.govt.nz to lodge a submission.