Look Out For ORC’s Freshwater Ambassadors In Central Otago This Summer
This week ORC’s biosecurity team welcomes two new summer ambassadors, who will be visiting Otago’s lakes and rivers and keeping freshwater pests and water safety front of mind for those enjoying recreational activities these holidays.
“Freshwater pests like lagarosiphon and didymo can spread very easily between waterways on people’s vessels and equipment. However, if we can encourage boaties, kayakers, paddle boarders, jet skiers and other visitors to take a few simple steps, we can help prevent the spread,” ORC Community Coordinator Biodiversity Freddie Paz says.
From this week through to mid-February 2025, ambassadors Kyra Martyn and Jimmy Daamen, will be based out of ORC'S Cromwell office and visiting various spots across Otago’s lakes and rivers talking to water users about freshwater pests and the Check, Clean, Dry programme.
“The face-to-face engagement that these ambassadors carry out is an important part of getting everyone on board with the programme. “With continued efforts like these, we can prevent the spread of pests.
“The Ambassadors will also be supporting Council’s Harbourmaster Team who will be out across Otago encouraging people to be safe on Otago’s waterways over the holidays. It is great to have the team here to talk to people about biosecurity and on-water safety this summer,” Mr Paz says.

Kyra has a keen interest in freshwater field work and pest management and graduated with a BSc in Ecology and Zoology in 2023. She has previously worked for ORC in the fleet and facilities team, loves the water, the beach and is an avid boogie boarder.
Jimmy graduated with a BSc in Environmental Management and Politics in 2023 and is currently working toward an MSc Geography specialising in Coastal Dune Biogeography. He has previously worked for the Department of Conservation as a regional planner intern and has also been a field research assistant on field trips to Rakiura/Stewart Island on the Rakiura Dune Restoration Programme managing pest plants, such as Marram grass and Tree Lupin. Jimmy likes his surfing, swimming, and summer adventures in Central Otago.
Mr Paz says “Every year, freshwater ambassadors are busy at Otago’s lakes and rivers talking to freshwater users, raising awareness of freshwater pests, and educating people on the Check, Clean, Dry programme to prevent their spread. The ambassadors also collect information through a survey to help us identify how new pests might reach Otago.”
“This year is the first year that they will also talk to people about our on-water safety programme too which the Harbourmaster Team is running.”
“Last year the ambassadors interacted with around 700 water users, with many people already well aware of the Check Clean Dry message. It’s great to see the community doing their bit to protect our waterways.”
“The biggest risk to Otago waterways is the further spread of these pests. Freshwater pests, specifically lagarosiphon, could squeeze the life out of our country's most precious rivers and lakes. They can be spread by a single drop of water or by the smallest plant fragment,” Mr Paz says.
The freshwater ambassadors will also attend key events throughout Central Otago over summer to demonstrate the important message: to always check, clean, then dry any equipment that comes into contact with the water, between every waterway, every time and for water users to keep themselves safe when enjoying Otago’s waterways.

The Check, Clean, Dry Programme
Check, Clean, Dry is the Ministry for Primary Industries’ programme for preventing the spread of didymo, lagarosiphon, and other freshwater pests
If you’re moving gear between waterways, you must always clean all equipment that has come into contact with water – use the ‘Check, Clean, Dry’ procedure below to help prevent the spread of freshwater pests:
Check - Remove any plant matter from your gear and leave it at the site (the riverbank or lake side) or put it in the rubbish. Don't wash plant material down any drain.
Clean - There's more than one option for cleaning your gear – choose the one that's best for your situation and your gear. orc.govt.nz/checkcleandry
Dry - Ensure your gear is completely dry to touch, inside and out, then leave dry for at least another 48 hours before you use it (didymo can survive for months on moist gear).
Freshwater gold clams
In May 2023 freshwater gold clams were found along a stretch of the Waikato River. This is a fairly new freshwater pest to New Zealand and is currently only known to be in the North Island.

Freshwater gold clams reproduce rapidly and form large populations that can compete with native freshwater species. They can also clog water-based infrastructure such as electric generation plants, irrigation systems, and water treatment facilities.
Freshwater gold clams are filter feeders that can accumulate toxins in their gut and therefore should not be eaten.
People are encouraged to take a photo and report any sightings of freshwater gold clams in Otago by phoning ORC on 0800 474 082, or completing the online reporting form at: report.mpi.govt.nz/pest
Freshwater ambassadors, Kyra, and Jimmy will be making people aware of this potential new pest threat, the dangers they pose, and how to identify and report them as part of a campaign to keep freshwater gold clams out of Otago.
To find out more about freshwater pests in Otago, keeping safe on and in the water, and other summer safety messaging, visit: orc.govt.nz/summersafety