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As part of our Easy Does It summer campaign, we’re providing weekly updates on Auckland’s water supply situation.
Total dam storage today: 80.98%
Historical average dam storage: 86.5%
Seven-day average water use: 405,352 million litres per day
You can see live dam levels here on our website.
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Remember those silent movies where the heroine is tied to the railway tracks or going over the waterfall in a barrel? Finance Minister Nicola Willis seems intent on portraying herself as that damsel in distress. According to Willis, this country’s current economic problems have all been caused by the spending schemes cooked up by the dastardly and long-departed Grant Robertson, in cahoots with Treasury. So don’t blame her for the current state of the New Zealand economy. We appear to be paying her over $300,000 a year to wring her hands and blame everyone else for the country’s plight.
It is essential that those planning on going for a hike to pack extra food and water, stick close to your group, and carry a Personal Locator Beacon which you can activate to assist if you get lost and can’t find your way out. While a cellphone with sufficient battery is also essential, you can’t always rely on having reception.
ACT MP Dr Parmjeet Parmar is thanking the operators of liquor stores serving their communities during the summer period, and says these operators deserve a stronger voice in licensing decisions. She's introduced a bill into Parliament's member's ballot aimed at fortifying the voice of liquor-licensed businesses.
With strong winds forecast for the city, Auckland drivers are urged to take extra care on the Auckland Harbour Bridge Friday, 27 December. To ensure safety, speed limits on the bridge may be reduced, and lanes on the bridge could close if wind gusts reach threshold levels.
QLDC’s Solid Waste Officer, Cathy Patoine says that overall, residents in the district do the right thing when it comes to recycling and disposing of items responsibly. However, occasionally items are incorrectly disposed which raise a few eyebrows. This poses serious health and safety risks to staff, including collection vehicle drivers and staff at the transfer stations, landfill & at the MRF.
“This time of year can be stressful and result in poor decision-making on our roads. Whether you are travelling to see loved ones, embarking on a road trip with friends, or exploring all that New Zealand has to offer, please take care and drive responsibly,” says Hon Simeon Brown, Minister of Transport.
Northland MP Grant McCallum, who has worked tirelessly to champion this fund after the June 2024 tower collapse, says the facility is a game-changer for the region. This world-class facility will bring cutting-edge technology to Northland, replicating real-life clinical environments and medical scenarios.