Taupō District Council Adopts Annual Report
Taupō District Council’s yearly report card to the community, its Annual Report, was adopted at an extraordinary council meeting on Friday 20 December.
The Annual Report is the key public accountability document that compares the council’s performance for the year against its forecast and targets in the Annual Plan and Long-term Plan. It sets out what council has achieved during the financial year from 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024.
The 2023/24 year was a year of significant achievements despite challenges such as high inflation driving up the cost of council infrastructure projects.
Mayor David Trewavas said the council had demonstrated its commitment to delivering essential services, advancing key projects such as major water and wastewater upgrades, Te Kapua papa tākaro playground in Tūrangi, a new basketball court in Mangakino, strengthened iwi partnerships, hosted major events such as the ITM Taupō Super 400 Supercars championship and supported the community’s growth and well-being.
Before being adopted, the Annual Report must be audited by council’s auditor, Audit New Zealand. This ensures it complies with the relevant legislation and accounting standards and so that the community can be confident the report accurately reflects the council’s position.
“While the year brought its fair share of challenges, the resilience of our community shone through,” Mr Trewavas said. “This report shows what we can achieve when we work together; and I am proud of the progress we’ve made across our district.”
Council chief executive Julie Gardyne said she was very proud of what the council and its staff had achieved over the year, particularly given the challenges and uncertainly created by the change of central government in October 2023.
“In addition the council picked up some major awards, most notably the Keep New Zealand Beautiful Supreme Award for Taupō and Best Small Town finalist for Tūrangi; and we made significant progress on some of our major projects, including completing Waiora House and beginning the build of Kinloch’s new water treatment plant.”
The Annual Report and a summary of the Annual Report are available to view on council’s website at www.taupo.govt.nz/annualreport.