Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated will host its inaugural Mātauranga Symposium on Friday 31st January at the Toitoi Conference and Event Centre in Hastings. This symposium looks to further support the iwi’s educational strategic objectives which are about advancing education aspirations for Kahungunu whānau.
Last year the iwi introduced ‘Te Ao Mārama – Everything Mātauranga Podcast’. Iwi Mātauranga specialists Tawehi Munro and Whare Isaac–Sharland interviewed a number of interest people to introduce themselves to the iwi and to help share their perspectives on life and learning. The interviews aimed at bridging gaps and nurturing understanding by sharing the rich tapestry of knowledge, wisdom, and perspectives from the Ngāti Kahungunu community.

Former iwi chairman of 26 years Mr Ngahiwi Tomoana, will be the keynote speaker to commence Friday’s morning session of the symposium. His speech will focus on Kotahitanga and Mātauranga from his own life experiences on all levels from his own upbringing at home, on the marae, and as an iwi leader.
Following Ngahiwi will be a panel session focused on Kotahitanga facilitated by Whare Isaac-Sharland with an exciting group of panellists including, educator, Kaiako, iwi leader Mahinarangi Huata-Harawira, Māori Activist and Te Tiriti o Waitangi expert, Mereana Pitman, Former Medical Doctor, Research Professor of Māori and Indigenous Research, Professor David Tipene Leach, Principal Consultant specialising in cultural competency, Henare Kani, and Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated Chairman, Bayden Barber. Some would say that there is a distant connect between 'Mātauranga' aimed at educators and the current politics of 'Kotahitanga' as an Iwi', however as pointed out by one of our panellists, 'Kotahitanga is a mātauranga Māori kaupapa that is prevalent everywhere and for everyone. The hour panel discussion should be very interesting.
Workshop presenters will focus on 5 key areas as stipulated in the refreshed Ngāti Kahungunu Education Strategy. Participants will be able to attend 4 of the 5 workshops throughout the day. Mātauranga, Te Reo Māori, Rangatiratanga, Tipuria te Aroha and Whanaungatanga are the key kaupapa. Workshop facilitators for the day will be experts in their field of learning, Erena Tomoana, Lee Kershaw-Karaitiana, Tāwhana Chadwick, Piripi Bradshaw Winiata and Whare and kohu Isaac-Sharland.
On Thursday 30 January, a separate Awards Dinner to celebrate our Kotahitanga Iwi Champions across Kahungunu will start with guest speaker Professor David Tipene-Leach – Renowned Māori Health Advocate and Innovator, who will share his wealth of knowledge with participants prior to the acknowledgement of award recipients. There are eight awards being presented on the night.
We are extremely proud of all whānau leaders in our iwi who work tirelessly to contribute to whānau wellbeing in all aspects of life. Those selected for this celebration have been carefully selected to be acknowledged at this time of their fantastic journey in life.

Congratulations to these wonderful recipients. Honorary recipients for the Lifetime Achievement and Kahungunu Champion awards will be announced on the night.
The Mātauranga Symposium and the Celebration Dinner are two separate events that will bring together mātauranga and innovation to inspire, connect, and enrich our community’s education and cultural revitalisation journey. We have encouraged people to attend if they want to discover the power of Kotahitanga in education, connect with local leaders in mātauranga, get insights from the Ngāti Kahungunu Te Ao Mārama Podcast guests, celebrate unity through education and culture, and embrace Kotahitanga to enrich learning.