Co-Chair Of The National Iwi Chairs Forum Pou Tikanga
“The National Iwi Chairs Forum is pleased to announce the appointment of Aperahama Edwards as Co-chair of Pou Tikanga," said Professor Margaret Mutu. "Aperahama brings a wealth of knowledge in tikanga and matauranga, along with significant leadership experience. He has earned a reputation as a formidable leader across whanau, hapū, marae, iwi, and communities. As Chair of Ngāti Wai Iwi, Aperahama has been at the forefront, challenging the ongoing denial of Tino Rangatiratanga and the overreach of kāwanatanga, often seen in the government's actions that undermine the sovereignty of ngā hapū me ngā iwi o Aotearoa. During Waitangi events, he took a stand against the racist rhetoric of David Seymour, protecting our Tamariki from exposure to right-wing ideologies."
"Appointing Aperahama is an inspired decision," Professor Mutu continued. "With our tikanga, whakapapa, resources, and human rights under attack by the current government, Aperahama has knowledge and expertise to lead us through these challenges. He is also the Chair of Te Kahu o Taonui, representing the collective of Taitokerau iwi, and heads the Iwi Leaders Group that is steering our strategy for Kotahitanga."
"Aperahama joins Makere in leading a major work programme for Pou Tikanga, including monitoring the government’s commitment to the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, advocating for justice sector reforms, advancing the Forum’s Whare Pukenga programme, addressing racism, and supporting our whanau in defending He Whakaputanga, Te Tiriti o Waitangi, and indigenous rights. Our Kotahitanga strategy aims to show how Rangatiratanga benefits all New Zealanders and safeguards our lands, resources, and people from exploitation," said Aperahama.
"I look forward to promoting the development of a written constitution that will help us achieve our goals, and ultimately, the vision of ensuring that all whanau can reach their full potential."
Our next step is to bring together experts from across Te Ao Māori to wananga and refine the Kotahitanga strategy for addressing the ongoing denial of Tino Rangatiratanga and supporting the grassroots development of the rangatiratanga sphere, as outlined in Matike Mai Aotearoa.
Aperahama was appointed at the recent National Iwi Chairs Forum held at Waitangi.