Kāpiti Mayor To Seek A Second Term
Kāpiti Mayor Janet Holborow has signalled her intention to stand for a second term later this year.
“We’ve achieved so much over the past few years, and we need to keep the momentum as we continue to ensure Kāpiti is vibrant and successful into the future,” she says.
“Our Council has delivered major infrastructure projects on time and on budget, we’re prepared for growth and we have a solid long-term financial plan.
“I’ve led a council which is productive and positive, and each elected member has the opportunity to realise their goals for their communities.
“This means that we have been able to focus on creating a district which has quality facilities and services, a vibrant business sector, and is a great place to live and work.”
Mayor Janet says the highlight of the term has been getting some important projects off the ground, and seeing some others to completion, particularly Toi Mahara, the Ōtaki Reservoir and Te Ara Whetū (the Waikanae Library).
“Our growing community needs quality infrastructure and facilities, and we’ve been able to do so much by prioritising work, partnering with the community, and careful management of our available resources. This careful management will be a continuing challenge.
“I’m inspired every day by the way people in Kāpiti put their hand up to work to make the district a better place, and I’m so grateful to my fellow elected members and staff for their hard work over the past few years. I look forward to continuing to work with them for another term.”