Water Restrictions Eased After Rain In Tararua Range
Rain in the Tararua Range has increased flow in the Waingawa River, allowing Masterton District Council to ease garden watering restrictions from a total ban to sprinklers on alternate days (even numbered houses on even numbered days, odd numbered houses on odd numbered days).
While there has been little rain in urban areas, the Council’s Three Waters Operations & Transition Manager Steve Watt said there was sufficient flow in the river, the source of Masterton’s drinking water, to ease restrictions.
“We want to thank people who have done their bit to reduce water consumption – this makes a difference in preserving the health of the river.
“We aim to be responsive to changing conditions when managing garden watering restrictions and we are taking the opportunity to ease the pain for gardeners.
“We can’t say there will not be a need to tighten restrictions again – there does not appear to be much rain forecast – but aim keep people well informed of conditions.”
Water restriction levels can be seen on billboards on Upper Chapel Street (near the fire station), Dixon Street at Kuripuni, and at the entrance to the Masterton transfer station on Nursery Road, as well as on the Council website.
Gardeners can get instant notice of restrictions through the free Antenno app.