The Environmental Defence Society has today filed its final submissions on proposed changes to the conservation management planning system and on visitor access charging to some conservation areas.
Reform of the conservation management planning system
“EDS supports the need to modernise and streamline the conservation management planning system. However, the proposals need substantial improvements,” says EDS Policy Director Raewyn Peart.
“The scope and purposes of the reforms are much broader than improving conservation outcomes. They also seek to deliver for a range of tourism and commercial outcomes, which creates a number of tensions and dilutes delivery for conservation. A stronger conservation-focused lens is required.
“One of the most critical system supports needed is a clearer set of purposes and priorities to guide land management and decision-making. Protection and enhancement of ecological integrity, indigenous biodiversity and the well-being of te taiao should be the foremost priority.
“It is also essential that sufficient checks and balances are put in place to address the risks associated with streamlining the management system and providing increased flexibility through relaxing current restrictions. These are weak and need beefing up.
“Of greatest concern is that it will be much easier to dispose of conservation land. There is a risk that large tracts of public conservation land could be disposed of in the pursuit of objectives that have little connection with conservation.
“The proposals are detailed and EDS supports many aspects of them. Several improvements are also needed and are set out in our submission, including, of note:
- Provide a clearer set of purposes and priorities to guide decision-making.
- Factor climate change into all the proposals.
- Strengthen checks and balances on decision-making.
- Enable Area Plans to set limits on concessions.
- Develop Operational Plans that link Area Plans to business and work plans.
- Align the boundaries of Area Plans with those of Conservation Boards and regional councils.
- Abandon changes to land disposal and exchange provisions.
“EDS has undertaken extensive law and policy research on the conservation system. We look forward to working with the Government and Minister Potaka to ensure that reform of the conservation management planning system is done well.
Exploring charging to some conservation areas
“EDS’s work on the conservation system highlights the need for a more certain, equitable and sustainable funding model for the Department of Conservation, better tools to manage visitor numbers and access, and effective measures to maintain wilderness experiences.
“EDS therefore broadly supports enabling the Department to charge for access to some conservation areas. This is an important and currently missing piece in the Department’s management toolkit.
“In progressing charging, there is a need for high transparency and appropriate targeting. It is also critical to ensure charging does not disproportionately impact on low-income households and prevent New Zealanders from visiting and experiencing their conservation heritage and iconic sites.
“Even if access charging is enabled, the Government will still need to address the broader conservation funding gap and budgetary security issues that the Department faces,” concluded Ms Peart.