Auckland Council Spends $175,000 On Buskers Over Three Years
The Auckland Ratepayers’ Alliance can reveal through a Local Government Official Information Act request that Auckland Council has spent $175,000 funding the International Buskers’ Festival over the last three years.
Joint sources of funding came from the Auckland Council Regional Events Grant, Waitematā Local Board Events Partnership Fund, and council’s soon-to-be abolished urban regeneration body, Eke Panuku.
"This really hits the wrong chord for Auckland ratepayers” said the Alliance Spokesman, Sam Warren.
“Council will again try justify this wasteful spending while insisting year on year that rate hikes are necessary, well above the rate of inflation. How are we supposed to believe them when this is how they spend ratepayers’ money?”
“Last year, the Prime Minister and then-Minister for Local Government, Simeon Brown, told councils to get rid of the nice-to-haves and stick to the basics. This ain't it.”
“Ratepayers are sick of seeing their hard-earned money being spent on things completely out of scope. Performance fees, manager fees, accommodation fees, ‘miscellaneous’ fees—it’s time to get real.”
“Aucklanders are tightening
their belts in an increasingly difficult city to live in.
It’s time Auckland Council did the