Ruapehu Welcomes Seven New Citizens
Seven people from around the world have been officially sworn-in as New Zealand citizens by Ruapehu Mayor Weston Kirton at a ceremony in the Taumarunui Council Chamber.
The new citizens, originally from Germany, Northern Ireland, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Malaysia, and India, were joined by family and friends as they took the formal step of either swearing allegiance to His Majesty King Charles III of New Zealand or making the official affirmation of citizenship before Mayor Kirton as representative of the New Zealand Government.
The ceremony was supported by local iwi Ngāti Hauā, adding a distinctly Ruapehu flavour to the proceedings, with the involvement of kaumātua and Māori protocol.
Mayor Kirton said that officiating at citizenship ceremonies was one of his favourite official duties.
“Although the official swearing-in ceremony follows a strict protocol, we make sure it is warm, welcoming, and reflective of our local community here in Ruapehu,” he said.
“Becoming a New Zealand citizen is always a significant and special day in a person's life. For most, it marks the end of a long journey toward making New Zealand their permanent home, and it is an honour to share in this milestone with them.”
Mayor Kirton noted that New Zealand’s growing diversity is one of the country’s greatest strengths.
“We are fortunate to be living in an increasingly diverse nation. People who choose to leave their home country often have multiple options, and we are lucky that these new citizens chose Aotearoa New Zealand as the place to build their future.
“This diversity adds to our resilience, vibrancy, and richness as a society. We are proud to welcome these new New Zealanders into our Ruapehu community," he said.