Public Engagement Now Open For Plan Change 85 Natural Hazards
Community engagement for Plan Change 85 Natural Hazards Issues and Options is now open. This is a significant first step in updating the Tasman Resource Management Plan’s natural hazards provisions, ensuring the district is more resilient to the impacts of natural hazards.
Tasman District is susceptible to a range of natural hazards, including floods, wildfires, coastal erosion and flooding, earthquakes, liquefaction, and landslides.
Recent events, such as the Nelson Tasman severe weather event in 2022, Pigeon Valley Fire (2019) and Cyclone Gita (2018), underscore the importance of proactive planning and community resilience.
The Issues and Options report presents high-level options for addressing these challenges, incorporating the latest scientific understanding, including sea level rise.
Engagement Opportunities
The report outlines three key areas for each natural hazard topic: identifying the planning issues, defining desired outcomes, and exploring land use planning options to manage these hazards effectively.
Online feedback on the report is through the Shape Tasman platform, through to Monday 5 May 2025.
To support this engagement, a series of District-wide “Meet the Planners” drop-in sessions will be held in nine (9) centres starting in Richmond on Saturday 5 April, the full schedule is online at Shape Tasman.
At each of the drop-ins Council natural hazards scientists and planners will be available to answer questions and guide participants through the feedback process.
Interactive Resources
The council has also launched an interactive Natural Hazards Map Viewer, which consolidates available maps and data into a user-friendly platform.
This tool allows residents to explore the location and extent of natural hazards across the District, enhancing community awareness and preparedness.
Feedback Deadline
Feedback on the Issues and Options report will be accepted until May 5 via Shape Tasman or by filling in the feedback form at the back of the report available at the drop -in sessions, libraries and service centres.
Responders can scan and email their feedback to Post their feedback to: Plan Change 85 Natural Hazards, Tasman District Council, Private Bag 4, Richmond, 7050 or deliver it to a Council office: Attn: Environmental Policy Team, Plan Change 85 Natural Hazards.