NZPI Responds To Govt Announcements On RMA Reform
NZPI welcomes the annoucement today from the Government on next steps for reforming the Resource Management Act.
There is a broad consensus that the system is no longer fit for purpose.
“We are also frustrated with the RMA. We are concerned about overly prescriptive processes, meanwhile we are no closer to dealing with significant issues New Zealand faces”, says Andrea Harris, NZPI Chair.
There is a lot to like in the Government’s announcement.
“Spatial planning, at both the regional and national level, is a no-brainer”, says NZPI CEO David Curtis. “This will be a game changer for proactive planning for infrastructure development, growth opportunities, and making sure we manage constraints (for example, due to natural hazards).”
NZPI can see the potential for standardisation of land use zones to bring efficiency to the system. Local decision making is essential in the system and we are pleased the Government is proposing to retain local decision making on the things that matter.
There are also things of concern in the annoucements that need further clarification.
NZPI is concerned at the proposed narrowing of the scope of the land use planning system. As Andrea explains, “we agree that regulation should be targeted and effective, but we don’t want to see the baby thrown out with the bath water. We haven’t seen the detail of what this will look like in practice yet and we’d want to make sure there weren’t any unintended consequences as a result of a narrowing of scope.”
While NZPI is glad to hear the Government intends to uphold Treaty settements, we would like to know more about how a system without a general Treaty clause would work.
David says “There has been no shortage of media stories of Ministers expressing their frustration with planning decisions holding back development. Now we are starting to hear what the Government sees the answers are, and this provides a constructive way to move forward.”
We look forward to hearing more about the planned reforms when the Hon Chris Bishop (Minister for RMA Reform) and Undersecretary Simon Court speak at our National Conference in Waihōpai, Invercargill on Friday. Hon Rachel Brooking will also be in attendance and will participate in a political panel with Chris Bishop and Simon Court to discuss the planned RMA reforms. We look forward to hearing how they will work together to develop an enduring system.
• Established in 1949, NZPI / Te Kōkiringa Taumata has more than 3000 members involved in strategic planning initiatives and development and implementation of environmental and land use plans.
• NZPI members work throughout the country, in urban and rural areas, in regional, district and city councils, in consultancy firms and industry organisations, and specialise in a variety of different disciplines – for example land use, tourism, urban growth, primary industries, transport, energy, freshwater, biodiversity, natural hazards, climate change, conservation.