Major Growth Plan Changes Now Open For Community Feedback
Draft Change 1 to the Regional Policy Statement and Draft Plan Change 81 to the Tasman Resource Management Plan are major changes necessary to implement the first 10 years of the Nelson Tasman Future Development Strategy.
These initiatives are crucial for accommodating our current high growth demand, while ensuring that future growth enhances our communities and protects our environment.
This includes strategic upgrades to essential infrastructure, such as water and wastewater systems, new roads and transport links, and improved stormwater management to mitigate flood risks.
Now open for community feedback:
- New housing areas:Plan Change 81 identifies key areas across the District for residential, business, and industrial growth. New residential zones are proposed for Richmond, Brightwater, Wakefield, Motueka, Tophouse, Tapawera and Tākaka, along with business and industrial expansions in Richmond, Murchison, and Tākaka.
- Medium Density Residential Zone:A central component of Plan Change 81 is the introduction of a Medium Density Residential Zone (MDRZ). This zone will enable a wider variety of housing options, such as townhouses, duplexes, and smaller homes, helping increase housing affordability and accessibility for everyone. This new MDRZ is proposed to be used in Richmond, Brightwater, Wakefield, Motueka and Tākaka.
- Supporting economic growth:The plan provides more land for commercial and industrial activities, fostering a thriving local economy. New light industrial zones are planned for Richmond, Murchison, and Tākaka, along with commercial expansions in Richmond, Brightwater, and Murchison.
- Supporting Māori housing:We are dedicated to supporting Māori housing through papakāinga developments. Rule and policy improvements will allow whānau to live on their ancestral land, strengthening cultural connections and community bonds.
- Workers’ accommodation: We are changing the rules for workers’ accommodation to make them more flexible and easier to apply.
- Exploring rural housing options:We are also exploring opportunities to provide more housing options in rural areas. This could mean reducing the consenting requirements to enable additional homes. We are keen to hear from the community whether this vision is widely supported.
This is your opportunity to shape the future of our communities—make sure your voice is heard!
Have your say
- Online:Provide your feedback online through Shape Tasman until Monday, 5 May, 2025. Our guide to the changes document, and the draft changes themselves are all available online at Shape Tasman.
- In person: Attend one of our "Meet the Planners" drop-in sessions. These sessions provide an opportunity to view a presentation on the draft changes, speak directly with our planning team, learn more about the proposed changes, and provide your feedback in person. Natural hazard scientists and planners will be available to answer your questions and guide you through the feedback process. The “Meet the Planners” sessions will start in Richmond on Saturday 5 April. The full schedule for the drop-ins is on Shape Tasman.
- Offline: Copies of the “Guide to the changes” booklet and feedback forms will be available at the drop-in sessions, libraries, and Council service centres. You can scan and email your completed feedback form to us at Environment Plan or post it to:
Plan Change
Tasman District Council
Private Bag 4,
Richmond, 7050
You can also deliver it to a Council service centre, Attn: Environmental Policy Team, Plan Change 81.