strategic framework for the information economy
Responses to a strategic framework for the information economy
Acting Minister for Communications,
Information Technology
and the Arts
The Acting
Minister for Communications, Information
and the Arts, Mr Peter McGauran, today released
overview of the Government's response to the strategic
priorities identified in A Strategic Framework for the
Information Economy (December 1998).
'The overview
outlines the important work being done within
Government and throughout key sectors of the economy
toward ensuring all Australians have the opportunity to
the benefits of the information economy,' Mr
McGauran said.
The overview demonstrates that a
number of key enablers for
the information economy
are already in place, or are expected
to be in place
in the short term, maintaining Australia's
competitive advantage as a leading player in the global
information economy.
'Work will continue to maximise
the opportunities of the
information economy in areas
such as promoting Australia's
culture as well as in
education, training and health,' Mr
McGauran said.
'The Government is taking steps to ensure that our
approach is
comprehensive and balanced, and reflects
the major structural
adjustments and change
management required for the transition
to the
information economy.'
Mr McGauran acknowledged the
wide range of information
economy activity occurring
at Commonwealth, State and
Territory levels.
'We will be working closely with the States and Territories
further develop indicators to monitor a range of
issues, to
ensure progress occurs in a coordinated
and efficient manner,'
Mr McGauran said.
document is available online at
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