Justice Fighters Steam-Rolled by the Big-Boys
Bank Customer Action Collective P.O.Box 141 -77 Tauranga email address: baker.emily@xtra.co.nz Co-ordinator Suzanne Baker Phone 07 578 1406
Media release
Justice Fighters Steam-Rolled by the Big-Boys
Even with the Attorney General and leading MP's assistance the Eatwells of the west coast have been forced to the wall.
These founders of this nation wide support/action group( which is an organisation that supports many broken and frequently suicidal victims) seeking justice from the abusive giants in the finance world, have themselves been made bankrupt under dubious Personal Guarantees.
The courts have once again been manipulated into preventing individuals from continuing their proceedings against banking malpractice.
The judgement creditor Pyne Gould Guinness of Christchurch have acted on information that is clearly based on unfounded malicious gossip which has gone far as to accuse the Eatwells of stealing stock off their own farm. ( see copy of Solicitors letter enclosed).
This evidence was before the Court but it was overlooked along with other crucial facts, e.g.
- The Eatwells and/or their company have never received a bill, dockets, invoices or any other normal commercial proof of debt.
- No such evidence was supplied or demanded by the court
- Neither the Eatwell company Receivers or Liquidator would accept there was a legitimate debt due to Pyne Gould Guinness Ltd.
- Pyne Gould Guinness Agents made a " Wild West" style raid on the farm and uplifted livestock, before they complied with their own terms of mortgage. ( i.e. demanded payment)
- In sworn statement an executive lied about this provable and other facts - ENDS