Cairns Lockie Releases Quick Start Home Loan
Cairns Lockie Releases Quick Start Home Loan At 7.75%
Cairns Lockie Limited today released its Quick Start Home Loan targeted at new borrowers.
The Quick Start Home Loan is a fully featured one-year fixed rate loan priced at 7.75%pa. After the fixed period, the loan reverts to the company's standard floating rate of 8.25%, which is currently 0.25% below the trading banks.
The Quick Start Home Loan will be available at 7.75% for a limited time only.
"We believe this is the lowest rate in the market" Director, James Lockie said "Cairns Lockie has been a leader, on a number of occasions, in the development of new products and rates. The Quick Start Home Loan is a continuation of this process."
"We have until recently been working on our internet services and can now state that we have one of the finest internet banking services in this country. Now we are going to spend a bit of time on product development. The Quick Start Home Loan is the first of these. It is born out of a market need to create a new borrower offering that provides a price reduction when it is most required - in the first year."
"While a number of other lenders are creating similar offerings, the Quick Start Home Loan, is the market's lowest one year fixed rate."
Cairns Lockie Limited is a mortgage banking company specialising in residential and residential investment lending. It has a strong internet presence through its site