Double Up Of Accident Prevention Administration
Double Up Of Accident Prevention Administration Raises Concerns
The Employers & Manufacturers Association (Northern) is concerned that there will be a duplication of roles between the ACC and the Occupational Health & Safety service of the Department of Labour under the new Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation Bill.
"Employers are paying OSH about $20 million a year, or five cents/$100 of payroll through the IRD for injury prevention work and the ACC is now going to be doing the same sort of work," said Paul Jarvie, EMA's Manager of Occupation Health and Safety.
"We hope there won't be a duplication of bureaucracies doing essentially similar jobs.
"The new Bill places a strong emphasis on ACC's role in accident prevention, which is proposed to be paid for largely from the employers' account.
"This area of the Bill needs clarification to ensure the work of OSH and ACC is consistent and compatible.
"Otherwise the new Bill will run into problems meeting Government's own business compliance cost cutting commitments.
"Also, with the re-introduction of lump sum compensation payments, OSH cases brought before the Courts which result in fines are likely to see fewer orders made to compensate accident victims."
Further comments: Paul
Jarvie tel 09 367 0963 (bus)