Calm heads needed over Ansett
Media release 17 September 2001
Calm heads needed over Ansett
Calm heads are needed in the CER and ANZUS relationship, says Business New Zealand Chief Executive Simon Carlaw.
"More than ever since the terrible events of last Tuesday, Australia and New Zealand need each other as trading partners and allies. Both countries are each other's major market for manufactures. From Gallipoli to East Timor we have stood together and we seem likely to be doing so again soon.
"Resolution of business problems has never been achieved by name-calling. Little is yet really clear about the actions of any party in the Ansett saga. What is clear is that the outlook for the world economy and global aviation has suddenly become a lot more uncertain.
"Both countries have recently experienced the human cost of airline failure. More jobs will be at risk if we can't move forward in all our best interests."