Environment not on dairy industry's agenda
October 31, 2001 - Wellington
Environment not on dairy industry's agenda
The environment barely rates a mention on the agenda for the international dairy conference held in Auckland this week, says Forest and Bird.
"Despite the significant impact dairying has on the environment, global industry leaders are barely discussing it at their conference in a formal session," said Eric Pyle, Forest and Bird's Conservation Manager.
"Dairying has significant environmental impacts. These impacts include pollution of streams, lakes and groundwater," said Mr Pyle. "In New Zealand and in other countries people are increasingly worried about dairying impacts. I am astounded the industry is not focusing on the environment at this conference."
"If the dairy industry is really serious about the environment, it would make it a key conference topic," said Mr Pyle. "We call on the dairy industry to take the environment seriously. It should have a high place on the industry's agenda."
Ends email: e.pyle@wn.forest-bird.org.nz
Contact: Eric Pyle, Conservation Manager Tel. 04 385 7374, 025 227 8420