Beekeepers Endorse Further Varroa Testing
Beekeepers Endorse Further Varroa Testing & Treatment
The New Zealand National Beekeepers Association (NBA) has endorsed the Varroa Management Group's decision to test and treat all known hives within 5kms of Waiouru to ensure local bee populations have not been exposed to the varroa bee mite.
The precautionary decision follows the placement of a 5 km movement control zone at Pauatahanui, north of Wellington, where an isolated find of the bee mite was confirmed last week.
The mite was transported to Wellington in a colony of feral bees, which were living inside a hollow log trucked from the upper North Island to a Wellington sawmill. MAF discovered the truck that had transported the log stopped at Waiouru for approximately 30 minutes on the 16th of January.
"It is important for beekeepers to know whether there is a varroa infestation, and if so that it be dealt with quickly and efficiently., said NBA President Don Bell. As members of the Varroa Management Group, the NBA have pushed hard to ensure these systems are in place."
"This breach of the varroa control line highlights how easy it would be for varroa to make its way across cook straight. All we can do is reinforce to all New Zealanders the need to be vigilant about transporting bees."