Recommendations of the World Ecotourism Summit
Kia ora!
Attached is the outcome (recommendations) of the World Ecotourism Summit held last week in Quebec.
Enterprise Russell is working with a keen group of Bay of Islands people to stage a conference in the Bay of Islands later this year: 29 and 31 October 2002: Ecotourism: A Sustainable approach for Tourism in the Tai Tokerau region
We believe those coming to our conference will be better informed, committed and able to address these items afterwards, as we are attracting speakers who are knowledgeable and already addressing these factors.
You may know of other people who would like to be kept informed of this conference as it develops. Please ask them to contact me, or for any further information, my email address is
Thanks, Jacqui Knight
Enterprise Russell
Charitable Trust
Our website:
Promoting the Russell district as a place
providing quality
of life and employment opportunities
for those living here.
Québec City, Canada, 22 May 2002
Annex I – Recommendations of the World Ecotourism
Summit, Quebec City,
May 19 to 22, 2002.
The participants to the World Ecotourism Summit, having met in Quebec City, from 19 to 22 May 2002, propose the following recommendations:
A. To Governments
1. formulate
national, regional and local ecotourism policies and
development strategies that are consistent with the overall
objectives of sustainable development, and to do so through
a wide consultation process with those who are likely to
become involved in, affect, or be affected by ecotourism
activities. Furthermore, the principles that apply to
ecotourism should be broadened out to cover the entire
tourism sector;
2. In conjunction with local
communities, the private sector, NGOs and all ecotourism
stakeholders, guarantee the protection of nature, local
cultures and specially traditional knowledge and genetic
3. ensure the involvement, appropriate
participation and necessary coordination of all the relevant
public institutions at the national, provincial and local
level, (including the establishment of inter-ministerial
working groups as appropriate) at different stages in the
ecotourism process, while at the same time opening and
facilitating the participation of other stakeholders in
ecotourism-related decisions. Furthermore, adequate
budgetary mechanisms and appropriate legislative frameworks
be set up to allow implementation of the objectives and
goals set up by these multistakeholder bodies;
include in the above framework the necessary regulatory and
monitoring mechanisms at the national, regional and local
levels, including objective sustainability indicators
jointly agreed with all stakeholders and environmental
impact assessment studies, to prevent or minimize the
occurrence of negative impacts upon communities or the
natural environment. Monitoring results should be made
available to the general public, since this information will
allow tourists to choose an operator who adopts ecotourism
principles over one who does not;
5. develop the local
and municipal capacity to implement growth management tools
such as zoning, and participatory land-use planning not only
in protected areas but in buffer zones and other ecotourism
development zones;
6. use internationally approved and
reviewed guidelines to develop certification schemes,
ecolabels and other voluntary initiatives geared towards
sustainability in ecotourism, encouraging private operators
to join such schemes and promoting their recognition by
consumers. However, certification systems should reflect
regional and sub-regional criteria and build capacity and
provide financial support to make these schemes accessible
to small and medium enterprises (SMEs). A regulatory
framework is needed for such schemes to fulfill their
7. ensure the provision of technical, financial
and human resources development support to micro, small and
medium-sized firms, which are the core of ecotourism, with a
view to enable them to start, grow and develop their
businesses in a sustainable manner. Similarly, that
appropriate infrastructure is established in areas with
ecotourism potential to stimulate the emergence of local
8. define appropriate policies, management
plans, and interpretation programs for visitors, and to
earmark adequate sources of funding for protected natural
areas to manage rapidly growing visitor numbers and protect
vulnerable ecosystems, and effectively prevent the use of
conservation hotspots. Such plans should include clear
norms, direct and indirect management strategies, and
regulations with the funds to ensure monitoring of social
and environmental impacts for all ecotourism businesses
operating in the area, as well as for tourists wishing to
visit them;
9. include micro, small and medium-sized
ecotourism companies, as well as community-based and
NGO-based ecotourism operations in the overall promotional
strategies and programmes carried out by the National
Tourism Administration, both in the international and
domestic markets;
10. develop regional networks and
cooperation for promotion and marketing of ecotourism
products at the international and national levels;
provide incentives to tourism operators (such as marketing
and promotion advantages) for them to adopt ecotourism
principles and make their operations more environmentally,
socially and culturally responsible;
12. ensure that
basic environmental and health standards are defined for all
ecotourism development even in the most rural areas and in
national and regional parks, that can play a pilot role.
This should include aspects such as site selection,
planning, design, the treatment of solid waste, sewage, and
the protection of watersheds, etc., and ensure also that
ecotourism development strategies are not undertaken by
governments without investment in sustainable infrastructure
and the reinforcement of local/municipal capabilities to
regulate and monitor such aspects;
13. invest, or
support institutions that invest in research programmes on
ecotourism and sustainable tourism. To institute baseline
studies and surveys that record plant and animal life, with
special attention to endangered species, as part of an
environmental impact assessment (EIA) for any proposed
ecotourism development;
14. support the further
development of the international principles, guidelines and
codes of ethics for sustainable tourism (e.g. such as those
proposed by the Convention on Biological Diversity, UNEP,
WTO) for the enhancement of international and national legal
frameworks, policies and master plans to implement the
concept of sustainable development into tourism;
consider as one option the reallocation of tenure and
management of public lands, from extractive or intensive
productive sectors to tourism combined with conservation,
wherever this is likely to improve the net social, economic
and environmental benefit for the community concerned;
16. promote and develop educational programmes addressed
to children and young people to enhance awareness about
nature conservation and sustainable use, local and
indigenous cultures and their relationship with ecotourism;
17. promote collaboration between outbound tour
operators and incoming operators and other service providers
and NGOs at the destination to further educate tourists and
influence their behaviour at destinations, especially those
in developing countries.
B. The private sector
18. conceive, develop and conduct their businesses minimizing negative effects on, and positively contributing to, the conservation of sensitive ecosystems and the environment in general, and directly benefiting local communities;
bear in mind that for ecotourism businesses to be
sustainable, they need to be profitable for all stakeholders
involved, including the projects’ owners, investors,
managers and employees, as well as the communities and the
conservation organizations of natural areas where it takes
20. adopt a reliable certification or other
systems of voluntary regulation, such as ecolabels, in order
to demonstrate to their potential clients their adherence to
sustainability principles and the soundness of the products
and services they offer;
21. cooperate with governmental
and non-governmental organizations in charge of protected
natural areas and conservation of biodiversity, ensuring
that ecotourism operations are practiced according to the
management plans and other regulations prevailing in those
areas, so as to minimize any negative impacts upon them
while enhancing the quality of the tourism experience and
contribute financially to the conservation of natural
22. make increasing use of local materials
and products, as well as local logistical and human resource
inputs in their operations, in order to maintain the overall
authenticity of the ecotourism product and increase the
proportion of financial and other benefits that remain at
the destination. To achieve this, private operators should
invest in the training of the local workforce;
ensure that the supply chain used in building up an
ecotourism operation is thoroughly sustainable and
consistent with the level of sustainability aimed at in the
final product or service to be offered to the customer;
24. work actively with indigenous leadership to ensure
that indigenous cultures and communities are depicted
accurately and with respect, and that their staff and guests
are well and accurately informed regarding local indigenous
sites, customs and history;
25. promote among their
clients, the tourists, a more ethical behavior vis-à-vis the
ecotourism destinations visited, providing environmental
education to travelers, professionals and fostering
inter-cultural understanding, as well as encouraging
voluntary contributions to support local community or
conservation initiatives;
26. diversify their offer by
developing a wide range of tourist activities at a given
destination and extending their operation to different
destinations in order to spread the potential benefits of
ecotourism and to avoid overcrowding some selected
ecotourism sites, thus threatening their long-term
sustainability. In this regard, private operators are urged
to respect, and contribute to, established visitor impact
management systems of ecotourism destinations;
create and develop funding mechanisms for the operation of
business associations or cooperatives that can assist with
ecotourism training, marketing, product development,
research and financing;
28. In relation to the above
points, formulate and implement company policies for
sustainable tourism with a view to applying them in each
part of the ecotourism operation.
C. Non-Governmental Organizations, community-based associations, academic and research institutions.
29. provide technical, financial,
educational, capacity building and other support to
ecotourism destinations, host community organizations, small
businesses and the corresponding local authorities in order
to ensure that appropriate policies, development and
management guidelines, and monitoring mechanisms are being
applied towards sustainability;
30. monitor and conduct
research on the actual impacts of ecotourism activities upon
ecosystems, biodiversity, local indigenous cultures and the
socio-economic fabric of the ecotourism destinations;
31. cooperate with public and private organizations
ensuring that the data and information generated through
research is channeled to support decision-making processes
in ecotourism development and management;
32. cooperate
with research institutions to develop the most adequate and
practical solutions to ecotourism development issues.
D. Inter-governmental organizations, international financial institutions and development assistance agencies
develop and assist in the implementation of national and
local policy and planning guidelines and evaluation
frameworks for ecotourism and its relationships with
biodiversity conservation, socio-economic development,
respect of human rights, poverty alleviation, nature
conservation and other objectives of sustainable
development, and to intensify the transfer of such know-how
to all countries. Special attention should be paid to
countries in a developing stage or least developed status,
to small island developing states and to countries with
mountain areas, regarding that 2002 is also designated as
the International Year of Mountains by the UN;
34. build
capacity for regional, national and local organizations for
the formulation and application of ecotourism policies and
plans, based on international guidelines;
35. develop
international standards and financial mechanisms for
ecotourism certification systems that takes into account
needs of small and medium enterprises and facilitates their
access to those procedures;
36. incorporate
multistakeholder dialogue processes into policies,
guidelines and projects at the global, regional and national
levels for the exchange of experiences between countries and
sectors involved in ecotourism;
37. strengthen their
efforts in identifying the factors that determine the
success or failure of ecotourism ventures throughout the
world, in order to transfer such experiences and best
practices to other nations, by means of publications, field
missions, training seminars and technical assistance
projects; UNEP and WTO should continue this international
dialogue after the Summit on sustainable ecotourism issues,
for example by conducting periodical evaluations of
ecotourism development through international and regional
38. adapt as necessary their financial
facilities and lending conditions and procedures to suit the
needs of micro-, small- and medium-sized ecotourism firms
that are the core of this industry, as a condition to ensure
its long term economic sustainability;
39. develop the
internal human resource capacity to support sustainable
tourism and ecotourism as a development sub-sector in itself
and to ensure that internal expertise, research, and
documentation are in place to oversee the use of ecotourism
as a sustainable development tool.
E. Local Communities and Municipal Organizations
40. As part of a community
vision for development, that may include ecotourism, define
and implement a strategy for improving collective benefits
for the community through ecotourism development including
human, physical, financial, and social capital development,
and improved access to technical information;
strengthen, nurture and encourage the community’s ability to
maintain and use traditional skills that are relevant to
ecotourism, particularly home-based arts and crafts,
agricultural produce, traditional housing and landscaping
that use local natural resources in a sustainable