Call For Campaign Pledge To “Fix Auckland”
12 June 2002
Election 2002: Call For Campaign Pledge To “Fix Auckland”
Aucklanders should give consideration to ensuring a strong commitment is made by the next government to early passage of legislation needed to ensure the region’s transport infrastructure platform can be completed in the next five years.
Noting Parliament’s failure to action a proposed transport bill to enable faster completion of Auckland’s roading network, Michael Barnett, Chief Executive of the Auckland Regional Chamber of Commerce, said it has been very evident that some political parties do not support the private sector helping to fund Auckland’s transport solutions.
If Auckland’s economy is going to move ahead strongly, it is very clear that the region’s core roading and public transport infrastructure needs to be completed as a top priority.
“We need a government that is supportive of Auckland’s needs and is prepared to make a commitment in the campaign to deliver the required legislation with some urgency,” said Mr Barnett.
“Auckland’s territorial and business leaders agree on the priority actions required to fix Auckland. If the next Government is serious about building a knowledge-based economy, it must put “fixing Auckland” high up, if not at the top, of its agenda.