Review of Insurance & Savings Ombudsman Scheme
The Insurance and Savings Ombudsman Commission has named the independent panel to conduct the five yearly review of the insurance industry Ombudsman Scheme.
The Review Committee will be chaired by Stuart Macaskill, former Chair of the Wellington Regional Council. The industry will be represented by Giselle McLachlan of NRMA Insurance New Zealand Limited and Sidney Narraway of Royal & Sun Alliance Life and Disability (NZ) Limited. Consumers and the Ministry of Consumer Affairs are represented by Mary-Jane Rivers, an organisational development facilitator; Helen Walch, a consumer and community group coordinator and Cindy O’Brien a Ministry policy advisor.
The review committee is calling for submissions before 9 August and will report to the ISO Commission with any recommendations.
ISOC Chair Beverley Wakem says submissions are welcome particularly from people who have used the scheme.
“We want to gauge the extent of public knowledge about the scheme and how people can access it, and the efficiency and effectiveness of procedures and practices adopted in dealing with insurance industry complaints.”
Submissions should be addressed to The Chairperson, Insurance & Savings Ombudsman Scheme Review Committee, P O Box 10-845, Wellington.