Listening and doing
Media release 7 November 2002
Listening and doing
Sending the tax collectors to talk to small business makes good sense, says Business NZ Chief Executive Simon Carlaw.
Commerce Minister Paul Swain today announced a programme of visits to hear tax compliance problems first hand.
Small business should make the most of the opportunity to be heard, Mr Carlaw said.
"I have no doubt that IRD officials will hear very clear messages about reducing the level of business tax and the case for abolishing fringe benefit tax, and that officials will have been told to turn their deaf ears to those complaints.
"Nevertheless the IRD's current focus on practical ways to help small business grow is positive. Using their good ears to enable Mr Swain and Dr Cullen to take effective, swift action for a critical area of the economy is to be encouraged.
"The Government should take the opportunity to progress issues that have been left in the too-hard basket for too long."