Social Entrepreneur’s Network Conference
14th November 2002
Entrepreneur’s Network Conference - Auckland Region
Monday 25 November 2002
Gold Lecture Theatre -
Gate 4, Carrington Road
“Social entrepreneurs are people who possess both an innovative idea for social change and the entrepreneurial drive to achieve its realisation”.
In the words of Lord Rutherford one of the greatest innovators New Zealand has ever produced
“We don’t have the money so we have to think”.
The SEN Conference – Monday 25th November 2002
The SEN Conference is an opportunity to do exactly that, to produce or strengthen the next significant innovators. The recognition and support of these gifted New Zealanders and their ideas will follow from such exposure.
The SEN conference precedes the National Commact conference (at the same venue) by just one day. It is a valuable opportunity for entrepreneurs and those with interest in local enterprise development and social innovation, to gather, network, and present their work and to find ways around the obstacles they inevitably face as modern pioneers.
The Auckland Regional Social Entrepreneurs networking conference is a daylong series of speakers and discussion workshops, modelled on a recent highly successful conference held in Christchurch earlier this year and the Wellington conference held in November 2001.
The Keynote speaker is Chris Elphick, who emigrated here two years ago and brought with him a huge amount of experience gained from working as an organisation development consultant in UK, Ireland, Scotland and elsewhere in Europe. His work includes the whole notion of Social entrepreneurship as it applied to the development of low income and depressed communities. He has pioneered a range of community based and owned initiatives, is a skilled facilitator, consultant and trainer. Chris is available for interview on (03) 573 8992
Other speakers have yet to be confirmed.
Participants are expected to be drawn form, community business, local government, central government, creative industries, commerce, health, education, social service sectors – among others
There will be opportunity for 5 local projects to present their work formally and other opportunities for people to discuss their work in workshop sessions.
Participation is very affordable at $30 for the day with full catering inclusive.
100 places only. Bookings are essential 09 815 9022 or by email
Aotearoa New Zealand is often hailed in the bigger world as an innovative society. New Zealanders have pioneered huge social and technological development over many decades.
The challenge is now to keep this national trait strong and expanding in both in our local society and in the world environment, which more than ever demand constant change and economic growth.
The is no doubt that the talent and the mindset for social, technological and environmental change exists in Aotearoa New Zealand, indeed it is a vital force for a small country such as ours. It is now a question of encouraging a confident response developing effective infrastructure and systems to channel the powerful flow of entrepreneurial energy.
The balance must be ensured between business development, environmental development and people and community development.
The challenge therefore is for traditional business to grasp the concept of strong mutually beneficial relationships with local innovators and with local enterprise. Ideas and innovations need to be picked up faster and developed to profitability before they become lost opportunities. Profits are needed now for distribution to the people and communities from where the innovations and enterprise emerged.
Responsiveness to ideas and to innovation is another challenge that equally faces the Social Entrepreneur and those who wish to see social and economic growth. We need more responsive attitudes and systems. Innovation comes at some risk. The price can be failure before success. The territory is not for the “faint-hearted”, the risk adverse politician or the timid investor – it is for the bold, visionary and for those who truly want or need to make the vision a solid reality.
Commact Aotearoa is the
organisation promoting the SEN Conference and the National
Conference, it is the Association for Local Action and
Economic Development. Further background material can be
provided by contacting Bruce Hamilton or Peter Vaile at (03)
789 6477 or email
Richard Howard
815 9022
SEN Conference Co-ordinator
For Commact
Authorised by Richard Howard – Inner Voice Ltd
Auckland Region SEN Conference Co-ordinator 09
815 9022
For Commact